Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I'm Back!!!

Okay the title is not for me to come off as a diva, recognizing that I took a small break from posting. It's more of an acknowledgement of the arrival of spring and how it has motivated me to get my broom out and do some spring cleaning in my life.

With the light of day staying around longer I can look in the mirror and unwrap the extra weight that I have gained from the past year. I'm not just talking body fat but the mind set of negativity and barriers that snuck past me and made its way into my conscious.

The first thing I did was that I recently looked at my mental state. As I have stated before everyone needs a tune-up when it came to mental health services. Especially when you've dealt with depression. I always feel that depression is something you mange and that it's always under the surface, yet by keeping an eye on it, you can get it before it gets you.

So after one visit with my former therapist, we both agreed that things in my life were good and no services were needed. It felt great to be proactive than reactive.

The next thing I did was look at my 'bucket list'. Each year I create a small list of 30 things I want to accomplish by next spring. I purposely don't do it in the beginning of the year as it's not a resolution where I'm stopping certain behaviors, for me it's positive additional things I want to do to expand my life experiences and way of thinking.

I can proudly say that I accomplished 70% of my goals. For example I learned to swim, something I always wanted to do. I traveled to Turkey. I got my T-cells past 600, which involved a change in diet, no missed medications and not letting stress dictate my life. And my biggest goal was to finish my advance degree of which I will be graduating this May! 

Life is so wonderful when you go after your dreams.

For me it was important to dust off the webs as I know me. I know that sometimes I can get so focused on others goals whether it's my workplace or friends and family that I forget about my own. Even at the expense of my health.

I know it helps my health to not only have but maintain a positive outlook on life. And again to do so I had to look in the mirror and recognize that the person looking back at me in the mirror has the greatest ability to hold me back.

Finally as part of my spring cleaning I had to surround myself with people who reflect the positive qualities I looked for. I had to sweep away friends who carried negative behaviors or performed actions that went against my nature. So those who gossiped, had bigot language or an overall, "I can't" attitude, I kept at arms length. There's a reason they say misery loves company.

So if you only want to come around when you need something, or if you can't respect my person, my body, my spirit or if your tongue drips with poison as I turn my back, then it's a goodbye. As Eleanor Roosevelt shared, "Many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart" So I make room for new footprints and close the doors on those who leave scars.

So with the glowing rays of the sun removing the dusk I can say I'm back! And like the song goes,” It’s a new dawn" "It's a new day"  "It's a new life"

And I feel good!!

I’m back!

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